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The increasing elderly population puts significant health, economic, and social burdens on society. Physical activity is one of the most cost-effective ways to maintain the health of the elderly. This study adopts a treatment effects model to investigate the causal relationship between environment attributes and physical activity among the elderly, while taking endogeneity into account. The data were collected from 274 participants by face-to-face interviews in Taichung, Taiwan. Performing physical activity regularly in parks is the most important measure of the amount of physical activity by the elderly. Providing sufficient and accessible parks in metropolitan residential neighborhoods could be one of the most cost-effective ways to promote physical activity for the elderly living in midsize Asian cities.  相似文献   
While social media like Twitter have been increasingly adopted by public-sector organizations, it remains less explored as to how government and emergency management (EM) organizations use these platforms to communicate with the public in response to emerging natural disasters. Extending the Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) to the realm of social media, this study examines the emerging semantic networks from 67 government and EM organizations’ official tweets during Hurricane Harvey over a three-week period. It identifies how multiple crisis response strategies—including instructing information, adjusting information, and bolstering—are constituted of different issues, actions, and organizational actors before, during, and immediately after the disaster event. Results suggest that government agencies use the strategy of instructing information predominantly before and during the disaster, whereas adjusting information and bolstering strategies are utilized more during post-disaster recovery. The study offers theoretical and practical implications of using a semantic network approach to studying organizational crisis responses.  相似文献   
李良品  祝国超  廖钰 《民族学刊》2020,11(3):21-27, 127-128
明清时期中央王朝实施的改土归流,不仅彻底废除了土司的政治、经济、军事、司法等特权,将国家版图内的人事权、财政权、军事指挥权、行政管理权、文化教育权等悉数收归中央,而且也是中华民族共同体由“自在”向“自觉”过渡的关键环节。明清改土归流经历了一个长期、艰巨、复杂的过程,其中既有土司利益与王朝利益的矛盾、各地土司与辖区民众的矛盾,也有中央王朝通过改土归流以增加税收、朝廷命官与乡村民众要求改土归流等现实动因。改土归流实现了国家“大一统”的目标、凸显明清国家治理能力的进步、加快了中华民族共同体建设的速度。中华民族共同体是一个由政治共同体、经济共同体、文化共同体和社会共同体四者构成的命运共同体。改土归流的实施,不仅是推动共同体由“自在”向“自觉”迈进的关键步骤和重要举措,而且使中华民族共同体在政治、经济、文化和社会诸方面发生巨大变化。  相似文献   
Social media have fundamentally influenced the way we live. Thus far, research has mainly focused on the ‘bright side’ of social media and the many advantages these platforms bring. More and more, however, research is also beginning to address the ‘dark side’ of social media. Dark side phenomena include cyberbullying, manipulation of elections, fear of missing out, social media addiction and the distribution of fake news. In this editorial for the management focus section of the European Management Journal, we propose two strategies (sensitizing and regulating) to manage this dark side of social media. Additionally, this editorial introduces the four articles included in this management focus section. We hope that the featured articles will help to encourage further research in this area.  相似文献   
本文采用深度门控循环单元(GRU)神经网络探讨三种汇率货币模型(弹性价格、前瞻性和实际利率差模型)的非线性协整关系。GRU技术在深度学习中具有智能记忆、自主学习和强逼近能力等优点。为此,本文运用该技术对6组典型浮动汇率制国别数据进行了非线性Johansen协整检验。结果表明,汇率与宏观经济基本面之间存在非线性协整关系,从而说明了货币模型在非线性条件下的有效性,以及先进的深度学习工具在检验经济理论中的优势。  相似文献   
谢秋山 《南方人口》2020,35(2):1-16
理清农民工作回报期望的影响因素进而精准施策,对于破解城乡发展不平衡和满足农民对美好生活的向往意义重大。利用Multinomial Logistic模型和CGSS2015相关数据的实证研究结论发现:以主观社会经济地位和外出务工经历为代表的主观感知性因素是影响农民工作回报期望的关键,而以养老责任和未成年子女数量为代表的客观责任因素的影响则不显著。同时,受教育程度也是影响农民工作回报期望的重要因素,受教育程度为初中及以下的农民对生理回报和安全回报有更强烈的诉求。  相似文献   
在1951年6月至1953年7月的朝鲜停战谈判中,战俘遣返问题是谈判双方争论最为激烈、耗时最长的议题。美国出于冷战需要,拒不同意遣返所有被俘朝中人员;而朝中方面则依据关于战俘遣返问题的日内瓦公约,要求遣返所有战俘。由于在此问题上僵持不下,致使谈判几次陷于停顿。最终,谈判双方各自做出一定让步,使得战俘遣返问题得以解决,为朝鲜停战协定的签订消除了最后也是最大的一个障碍。  相似文献   
在科学发现逻辑受制于描述性的传统研究路径,经历衰落和缓慢复苏的大背景之下,计算知识论为科学发现逻辑提供了一个全新的规范性研究框架。该框架不仅为科学发现逻辑做了系统性辩护,而且围绕发现问题的可解性做了许多规范性讨论。虽然其有关具体规范性的研究距离现实的科学发现仍然较远,但这一路径对未来发现逻辑研究走向的启发意义毋庸置疑。  相似文献   
国际海洋法法庭自成立以来共审理了9个迅速释放案件,其中6个案件判决被告沿海国迅速释放被扣押船只和船员,从而有效地解决了沿海国和船旗国之间的争议。因联合国海洋法公约迅速释放相关规定的模糊性,以及国际海洋法法庭在保证金合理性判断标准和实质性审查问题上所采取的非一致性立场,在迅速释放问题上尚未形成习惯法。应该肯定的是,国际海洋法法庭的司法实践对沿海国相关法律制度的完善起到积极作用。本文认为,为维护我国海洋权利不受非法侵犯,应及时修改和完善我国渔民被外国执法扣押时的国家援助制度,以及解决迅速释放时的保证金制度问题。  相似文献   
为了澄清社会权的含义和内容以增进对其理解,国际人权学界提出了各种"最低核心"理论。其中影响较大的有最低核心内容理论、最低门槛理论和最低核心义务理论。关于最低核心理论与社会权司法保护之间的关系,长期以来一直存在两种对立的观点。支持者认为它可以提高社会权司法保护的程度,反对者则否认两者之间的关系,甚至否定它。尽管在理论上还存在诸多争议,但各国的司法实践已经证实了最低核心理论在推动社会权司法保护中的意义。  相似文献   
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